Practice Logistics / Vet Assistant
What motivated you to work in veterinary medicine?
Growing up on a dairy farm some of my earliest memories are of helping on the farm. I’ve always loved being with animals.
What has been your most rewarding moment working in veterinary medicine?
Delivering puppies
If you weren’t working at a veterinary clinic, what would you do?
Sitting on my couch watching Hallmark Christmas movies or Farming full time
What is the most exotic animal you have treated?
Guinea Pig/Snake
What animal scares you more than any other?
Rats or Pigeons
What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?
Marrying my husband
What do you do in your spare time?
My husband and I have a hobby farm. I enjoy reading, sewing/quilting, cooking/baking and shooting trap/sporting clays/ targets.
What is your favorite comfort food?
Soup- all kinds
What animals do you currently have?
4 geese, 5 ducks, 2 guinea hens, 9 quail, 2 cats, 1 dog, 40 chickens, 50 rabbits, 1 milking shorthorn steer, and many Holsteins.
What is your favorite childhood movie and why?
Disney- Little Mermaid Other- Sound of Music
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Growing up on the farm. Having my parents and some of my older siblings around. Playing for hours outside, and learning responsibility and work ethic at an early age.
Name 5 things people might be surprised about if they knew it about you?
1. I am the second youngest of 6 kids. There is a 20 year age spread between oldest and youngest.
2. I taught 3 classes at Muscatine Community College.
3. I played the oboe in band into college, even though I can’t sight read music.
4. I never touched a gun until I met my husband (who works at a sportsman’s store)