Courtney L


What motivated you to work in veterinary medicine?

I love being around and helping animals; also that I can help out their owners

What has been your most rewarding moment working in veterinary medicine?

None yet

If you weren’t working at a veterinary clinic, what would you do?


What is the most exotic animal you have treated?

None yet

What animal scares you more than any other?


What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

My baby Lily James

What do you do in your spare time?

Go to care shows with my husband and dad, repair classic cars, and love on my dogs and my baby Lily

What is your favorite comfort food?


What animals do you currently have?

2 big dogs: Akita 3 years old, and Buttercup 2 years in April

If you were to come back as an animal, what would it be and why?

A horse, they are kind of like an oversized dog, absolutely beautiful and majestic

What is your favorite childhood movie and why?

The Land Before Time – I love dinosaurs!

What is your favorite childhood memory?

When I was 3 or 4 years old my mom dressed me up to do a photo shoot with our 2 corgi’s at the time

What are some things people might be surprised about?

1. I can rebuild a classic car

2. I’m adopted and I have 5 holder brothers and an older sister

3. I won a 1st place trophy at a car/motorcycle show for having the cleanest motorcycle

4. I go to Iola Car Show every year

5. All of my siblings have special needs